Monday, April 6, 2009


this weekend we stayed in london. it was nice. we definitely had that relaxing feeling of hanging out at home and getting errands done and just chilling out. the weather has been absolutely amazing. spring has always been my favorite season and being over here during this time of year just confirms that.

so jules bought a house. its insane. and ginormous. he had a housewarming party on saturday and it was so much fun. we cooked out and got tossed in the pool. very typical. but as i was sitting in the sun, watching people talk and catch up or bring out another tray of freshly grilled hot dogs it made me realize how much i miss my friends from home. the excitement i feel for summer is welling in my chest. i can't wait for the familiarity of having a cookout and a fire and spending precious time with people who you know inside and out.

saturday night we went to international night. it was put on by richmond students and it was amazing. there were dances and performances from all countries that richmond students represent. it made me realize how incredibly small and insanely huge the world can be and how crazy where i am going to school this semester is. the production was all about raising money for invisible children. i bought a bracelet, and i recommend doing the same if you can, because it is such a great cause!

yesterday i went shopping on oxford street. i bought some new key pieces for my wardrobe... which, i have decided, i am going to completely revamp when i get home. i am going to simplify, streamline and purge.

last night, dana's parents took us out to dinner. the resturant was beautiful and our meals were delicious. dana's parents were so sweet and i invited them to stop at our house when they are on their way to the cape this summer. (i still assume the only way to get down the cape is 495). seeing dana's with her parents and sister made me feel a little homesick for the first time.

im bummed about missing opening day. but, since i will be living so close to fenway next year, im sure il run into jacoby all the time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im glad u miss & are thinking of us. cuz we miss u & think of u all the time. i heard the song " lightsss willl guide u home" today and got a little watery eyed cuz i thought of u!